Maritime Workshop
1930 Jonesporter "Lucia Cutts"
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Ribs from the stern
Open floors and ribs exposed (view from stern)

A sorry sight for those of you who knew Lucia Cutts in her glory days. The necessary surgery has begun here with the complete removal of her interior. Some of the rotten floors and frames came out with little effort.The old (not original) 1/4" cypress ceiling was ringnailed and unsalvageable, but will be replaced with a thicker stock. Concrete poured along the keelson was a factor causing rot to claim all of the frames below deck, portions of the keelson, the entire stem, and all of her floors.


See the progress of steam bending the new frames using the hull as a "template".

Steam Bending Frames

Stem Assembly

Oscar makes sure the joints are tight and the curve of the stem is correct by "dry-fitting" the pieces using wood clamps.


The stem is ready for installation.

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